Cat Was on a Big High (Bronze Sculpture)
82.7 x 41.3 x 39.4 inch (H) 529.1 lbs
210 x 105 x 100 cm (H*L*W) 240 kgs
Bronze with Paint
Contemporary Figurative Sculpture, Nature, Happy Art
Edition Number
Oh how the tables have turned, thought the cat. Usually, it was her on the ground, watching the birds flitting from tree to tree, teasing her with their balletic dance. Today, she wanted to be the one up high, captivating the world with her elegant acrobatics. Up the ladder she climbed, thrilled to see the little birds below looking up at her. There was just one problem...how was she going to get down?
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
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Suzi the Frenchie (Bronze Sculpture)
43.3 x 30.7 x 27.5 inch (H*L*W) 198.4 lbs
110 x 78 x 70 cm (H*L*W) 90 kg
0.06 x 35.4 x 29.5 inch (H*L*W)
0.15 x 90 x 75 cm (H*L*W)
Contemporary Sculpture, Figurative, Animals
Edition Number
Little Suzie knows all the secrets of the puppy dog eyes. If she looks up with her eyes as big as saucers, her little head cocked to one side, and her great bat ears quivering with sweetness, she will get away with all sorts of mischief. She loves to play so mischief seems to find her a lot!
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
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Sam the Great (Bronze Sculpture)
51.2 x 75.6 x 35.4 inch (H*L*W) 617.4 lbs
130 x 192 x 90 cm (H*L*W) 280 kgs
0.8 x 55.1 x 35.4 inch (H*L*W)
2 x 140 x 90 cm (H*L*W)
Contemporary Sculpture, Figurative, Animals
Edition Number
Sam is just a puppy, small and very sweet. But when he grows up he will get very big, some say as big as a horse! He is a gentle giant though, always looking for cuddles and believes with all his heart that he will never be too big to sit on someone’s lap.
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
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Please visit this page to learn all about our policies. > Read more
Horse and Jockey
Life size
Edition Number
Sitting high atop his noble steed, this jockey is prepared for speed. He is connected to his horse, they know each other’s rhythms, their quirks, and have learnt to move together as one. Whether they are racing to the finish line or just out in a training run, it is always an exhilarating feeling.
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
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Pit Pony (Bronze Sculpture)
Life size
Contemporary Sculpture, Figurative, Animals
Edition Number
The Pit Pony Experience Project was a community-driven idea to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the last working pit ponies in Australia. Wharrier and Mr Ed retired from the Collinsville Coal Mine in 1990. The ponies were mates to the miners and symbols of strength, unity and companionship in the small town. The Collinsville community banded together to raise nearly $200,000. Gillie and Marc created a life-sized pit pony bronze statue, which is situated in the center of the town. The project went viral and made news headlines across Australia. The Pit Pony brought a small community together, and wowed an entire nation.
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
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Buffering the race horse (Bronze Sculpture)
Life size
Contemporary Sculpture, Figurative, Sport
Edition number
To commemorate the deeds of the $7 million earning, seven-time Group 1 winner Buffering, Brisbane Racing Club commissioned Gillie and Marc to create a life-size statue of the legendary race horse. The statue stands at the front of the new infield entrance to Eagle Farm.
Heathcote said he believed Buffering’s never-say-die attitude was the reason the public took him to heart. “Australians love an underdog and he had all the qualities of a great fighter. He would get knocked down but he would get back up again,” he said. “And he did it in an era of sprinting greats.”
BRC Chairman Neville Bell said in the 152 years of Eagle Farm this was the first time a full-size statue had been unveiled. “From day one of this club it was always the plan to have a significant statue at Eagle Farm and we couldn’t think of a better opportunity than with Buffering,” he said. “He was a great ambassador for racing in Queensland and for the Brisbane Racing Club.”
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
Please visit this page to learn all about our policies. > Read more
Archbishop Polding and his horse (Bronze Sculpture)
Life size
Contemporary Sculpture, Figurative, Animals
Archbishop John Bede Polding is an extraordinary man who lived from 1794-1877. Gillie and Marc were asked to commemorate this local legend in bronze for Rosebank College in Five Dock, NSW. Gillie and Marc created the Archbishop Polding sculpture along with his horse, because in one month alone he was known for having traveled over 1,500 kilometers on horseback, preaching and praying to help those in need. The sculpture inspires the community to be kinder and more welcoming, while at the same time passionately driven towards a better tomorrow for all. Born in Liverpool, England, Polding arrived in Sydney on September 13th, 1935 to become the city’s first bishop. While initially met with suspicion, his dedication and gentleness gained him respect from even his most adverse opponents. Polding attended to the needs of the general public, the sick and dying, the poor and disadvantaged, as well as the spiritual needs of prisoners. For 30 years, he worked with love and open arms to create a truly Australian Catholic Church. Polding, a recognized academic, fought for education and established two monasteries, as well as the first Australian religious community. Inside or outside of the religious community, he is a heartwarming example of human goodness. His extreme compassion coupled with dedication, allowed him to establish some of Australia’s most respected institutes, and touch the lives of people for generations.
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
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Animal Compassion Towers (Bronze Sculpture)
118.1 x 31.5 x 31.5 inch (H*L*W) 17637 lbs
300 x 80 x 80 cm (H*L*W) 8000kg
Contemporary Sculpture, Wildlife, Happy Art
Edition Number
These towers are the byproduct of Gillie and Marc asking and answering a simple question: what would a stack of our favourite things look like? From big cats to apes, rhinos to hippos, cameras to that perfect cup of coffee, these towers remind us all that while our passions may differ, they’re part of what makes us special, and that it’s important for each of us to always celebrate the things we love most.
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
Please visit this page to learn all about our policies. > Read more
The best view in the world (Bronze Sculpture)
197 x 39.4 x 126 inch (H*L*W) 441 lbs
500 x 100 x 320 cm (H*L*W) 200 kgs
Contemporary Sculpture, Animals, Romanticism
Edition number
A love like Rabbitwoman and Dogman’s can cross canyons and scale mountains. This sculpture depicts the true heights that can be achieved through acceptance and togetherness. From the peak of love, the world always seems a more beautiful place. The stunning bronze rock, crafted with different patina coloured Rabbit and Dog atop add a whimsical stand-out artistic element to any room.
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
Please visit this page to learn all about our policies. > Read more
St Lucy's Dog (Bronze Sculpture)
Life size
Contemporary Sculpture, Animals
Edition Number
St Lucy’s is a Dominican Catholic primary school that provides education for those with disabilities,” said Gillie. Jo Karaolis was the principal of St Lucy’s School up until her retirement and she wanted to give the children a parting gift. “We were contacted by Jo to create something that would make the kids less afraid of leaving their parents for the day,” Gillie continued.
Saint Dominic is always represented with a dog and a torch because Dominic’s mother supposedly had a dream when she was pregnant that she was giving birth to a dog who would run through the countryside with a torch in its mouth.
“The life-sized bronze Labrador is a new representation of Saint Dominican symbology. “Labs are one of the friendliest types of dogs, and this was placed outside the front of the school to enchant the pupils – especially on their first day.”
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
Please visit this page to learn all about our policies. > Read more
They had a ball of love together (Bronze Sculpture)
78.7 x 59 x 59 inch (H*L*W)
200 x 150 x 150 cm (H*L*W)
Bronze with green and blue patina
Contemporary Sculpture, Animals, Romanticism
Edition Number
Gillie and Marc have always admired budgies. These bright parrots are arguably one the most beautiful birds in the world, and are loved by so many people. As kids, Marc used to breed the Australian budgie, whereas Gillie would find excuses to visit her cousin’s English budgies (the latter being a few inches bigger).
The artists also find this affectionate bird very relatable due to their adorable “pair bonding”. Believe it or not, budgies can be quite picky when it comes to finding a mate with each bird having its own desired personality criteria for its mate. In bonding, a male budgie will sing to his mate, bob his head at her, and feed her. A male and female budgie will touch beaks often and sit snuggled up against one another as well as preen each other’s feathers.
Gillie and Marc’s budgies have been so well-received that they are working on a project that will see monumental, large-scale budgies installed into various locations all over the world.
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
Please visit this page to learn all about our policies. > Read more
Budgie Lovers (Bronze Sculpture)
78.7 x 59 x 19.7 inch (H*L*W)
200 x 150 x 50 cm (H*L*W)
Bronze with green and blue patina
Contemporary Sculpture, Wildlife, Romanticism
Edition Number
Gillie and Marc have always admired budgies. These bright parrots are arguably one the most beautiful birds in the world, and are loved by so many people. As kids, Marc used to breed the Australian budgie, whereas Gillie would find excuses to visit her cousin’s English budgies (the latter being a few inches bigger).
The artists also find this affectionate bird very relatable due to their adorable “pair bonding”. Believe it or not, budgies can be quite picky when it comes to finding a mate with each bird having its own desired personality criteria for its mate. In bonding, a male budgie will sing to his mate, bob his head at her, and feed her. A male and female budgie will touch beaks often and sit snuggled up against one another as well as preen each other’s feathers.
Gillie and Marc’s budgies have been so well-received that they are working on a project that will see monumental, large-scale budgies installed into various locations all over the world.
Artwork Features
Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. > Read more
For every purchase of a bronze sculpture you will receive a certificate of authenticity, titled, signed, dated and editioned by the artists.
Care Instructions
Bronze is very easy to clean, allowing you to enjoy your precious sculpture with minimal upkeep. > Read more
Shipping, Returns and Refunds
Please visit this page to learn all about our policies. > Read more
Gillie and Marc's bronze sculpture collection is an enchanting series that captures the essence of exploration, love, and the beauty of nature.
Gillie and Marc's captivating paintings delve into a world of boundless imagination, encapsulating the spirit of adventure, affection, and the magnificence of nature and wildlife.
We'd love to help you uncover a world of new art. Contact us today about any sculpture, painting or public artwork that you are interested in. We can't wait to hear from you!
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