Paparazzi Dogman & Rabbitwoman
Meet the awe-inspiring sevens-foot tall Paparazzi Dogman and Paparazzi Rabbitwoman. The installation of these bronze sculptures on Sixth Avenue in New York City is a major step in Gillie and Marc’s massive, global campaign that aims to promote love and peace across the globe.
Rabbitwoman and Dogman have a dream that all creatures, regardless of race, religion, or orientation can feel accepted and never be judged. Their Paparazzi characters keep a watchful eye on instances of inequality, holding all people accountable to treating others with kindness and respect.
These unique sculptures have been installed on Avenue of the Americas to continue promoting the message that love conquers all. As unlikely animal-kingdom companions, together the Rabbit and the Dog symbolize unity and acceptance - representing all people as one.
Gillie and Marc’s public and private artworks can be found spreading this message throughout the planet, including major cities such as Sydney, London, Shanghai, Singapore, and more.
The sculptures, which are aligned with the hashtags #gillieandmarc and #spottedonsixth, have already been an unbelievable success (even rivalling the success of Gillie and Marc’s Paparazzi Dog series). Gillie and Marc feel deeply humbled and proud to see the impact their art is having on the world. Just search the hashtags to see for yourself!
The artists are determined to continue Rabbitwoman and Dogman’s remarkable and groundbreaking journey to make the world a more loving place!