Little Things Project - A Little Surprise Friendship

Friends can come from the most unlikely places. Through their travels, Rabbitwoman and Dogman have made friends with the most diverse characters. Today’s new friend really took them by surprise. They had met elephants before, but never one so nimble as to sit high up a tree! They jumped at the opportunity to meet her, learning of her fascinating past as a circus performer and the joy when she escaped. As they dangled their legs side by side they sang for friends and freedom
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Fratelli Cafe
7200 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046, United States
Visit the sculpture, click for map >
The Bald Rock Hotel
15 Mansfield St, Rozelle NSW 2039, Australia
Visit the sculpture, click for map >
Wooby Lane Gallery
77 Salamanca Pl, Hobart TAS 7000, Australia
Visit the sculpture, click for map >
The Little Gallery
427 Port Road, Whangamata 3620, New Zealand
Visit the sculpture, click for map >

Landsec (Paddington Art Trail)
20 Eastbourne Terrace, London W2 6LA, United Kingdom
Visit the sculpture, click for map >